Friday, January 29, 2010

Wendy's Wacky Wonders!

Well, I did jove, I did it. I had the guts to come clean to my employer about how I felt about my job and how it was affecting my health, and he was way more understanding than I thought he'd be. Boy was that an answer to a prayer...literally! In fact, he told one of the business partners about this and this business partner (bless his heart) was very kind enough to let me know that he will help me find another suitable job.

And...I got our taxes done. I LOVE TURBO TAX ONLINE!!! It ROCKS!!! We're going to be getting a nice chunk of change from the IRS and the Arizona Department of Revenue, which is going to help a great deal. So anyway...

Before I go, I want to mention that my very favorite author Josi S. Kilpack (who I had the pleasure of meeting when she was here in Mesa for a book tour last December) has a brand-new book out in her Sadie Hoffmiller culinary mystery series, called Devil's Food Cake. If any of you are Agatha Christie buffs, once you read her books, you will think that Sadie is very similar to Miss Jane Marple.

Here's the link to her awesome website (where you can read the first chapter for FREE!):

And here's the link to where you may purchase it online:

They're super great books! Very highly recommended reading!!

Take care everyone! WLB :)